Monday 24 February 2014

Why You Should Drink Green Tea.

            Hey! Hi Namaste this is Tulip Roy. Now you just might be thinking why an Indian would suggest on this but read on to know. I started drinking Green Tea a while back and boy do I hate it, I mean what’s the fun in drinking hot water that tastes like ginger, but you know what it works wonder.
                           When you start drinking Green Tea, you just might feel it be disgusting but after a day or three it just tastes like drinking hot and simple milk. And learning about the benefits of it, you would just want to drink it just about every day. I will further tell you about a few benefits of it.
·       It helps manage weight : It helps wonder to manage weight, I think if you drink Green Tea, every day of a month you sure will lose a kilo. Do you know that even drinking hot water will do the trick but green tea is more efficient.
·      It will lead to a clear face: The number of pimples and acne on your face will reduce to give you a beautiful shine. It is a great antioxidant.
·      It’s good for the heart: it reduces the chances of cancer and keeps your heart healthy.
                                 So now I guess you get it why this horrible tasting drink is called 5 min. of heaven. So drink Green Tea every day for a perfect you. Be happy and stay healthy.

P.S. I would love a reply and any suggestions!


  1. excellent!!!!!!!
    your blogs are amazing and worth to read!!!!
    enjoyed fully reading your all blogs!!
    keep on writing blogs!!
    continue doing a good job TULIP ROY :*
