Saturday 25 January 2014

10 Simple steps to a beautiful face

Hey! Hi Namaste this is Tulip Roy. How many times have you looked into the mirror and felt sad about your face? Or its quality? Not more than me I am sure! But these day’s people look at me and wish they had the clear face that I do. So you know what, I will share my secrets to a completely unknown. These things might seem like a very common solution to you but do understand to do it every day of your reaming life and not stop till the rest of your life (maybe that’s a bit too much exaggeration but I guess you get the point) 
1.  Drink a lot of water: I’m sure you might have heard this a zillion of times but what you gotta understand is that it works wonders. I think 80% of the work is done when you just drink a lot water and it’s not only good but very beneficial for the whole body and one other thing you gotta understand is that by drinking water I mean a lot of water, like maybe 3-4 liters of water a whole day and don’t drink all of it once, that doesn’t help, drink throughout the day.
2. Wash your face: You have to wash your face like 5-6 times a day, it doesn’t have to be by face wash or scrubber, just with water and let a bit amount of water stay an your face after you wash it and yes! Do use scrubber twice a week.
3. Do not use a lot of makeup: maybe you usually don’t, but if you do, you gotta stop it, you should use minimum amount of makeup, if you do, for lips, if you apply lipstick do remember to wipe it off, soonest you can. DO NOT SLEEP WITH MAKEUP ON; this will practically destroy your entire life, wash makeup when you sleep.
4. Try to understand: try to understand the type of the skin you have, oily or rough or you have oily face don’t use moisturizer, do use a little in winter, if you have a rough face on the other hand use a lot of moisturizer and do not wash your face often and if you have a smooth skin (then why are you reading this darling!) use medium amount of moisturizer.
5. Sunscreen: if you don’t use sunscreen, then start now. Use sunscreen even on a cloudy day, use it from the morning to evening at least 3 times a day, it is a myth that you don’t need sunscreen on a cloudy day.
6. Do not disturb: do not disturb a pimple it leads to acne marks, let it be, it will go down on its own, just remember to do the above following you can also apply lemon on your face to make pimples n acne go away!
7. Eat good and healthy: by this I don’t mean diet or eat broccoli (though do eat broccoli, it’s very good for health and a wonder food) I just mean simply eat good n healthy, eating oily and unhealthy stuff leads fat as well as pimples or acne. It is good overall. Eat nuts lie almond n eat cashew to make your face look healthy but don’t eat too much as it will make you gain weight.
8. Don’t use razor on face: its quick n fast n easy but razor makes your face rough n further destroys the quality of the skin. If you stop using razor it just makes your face glow n also look good n healthy.
9. Give it time: if you are doing all of this and nothing happens, be patient and give it time to change, it will take time but trust me the results will be good, so give it time, do all of it and wait for it, don’t stop all of it because you don’t see quick results.
10. Love yourself: might seem totally irrelevant to read this here but the thing is if you hate yourself, you can’t see the perfection in you, your face might become perfect but it won’t look so if you don’t love yourself, remember to love yourself, more than anything and it will be just all right.   
P.S be happy for who you are cause you deserve to be. Please leave a comment I will be glad!!

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