Wednesday 1 January 2014

Homosexaulity a crime in India

Hey! Hi Namaste! I am Tulip Roy and if you are wondering why Namaste, so yes I am from India, in general people don’t much use Namaste in India but you get to hear it from people of other country or American TV shows or Hollywood using it in anything  related to Indian, that you suddenly realize oh yes! Namaste is an Indian thing and a popularly used term to represent the Indianan way of saying Hi, even though we barely use it these days. I can go on and on about things but the truth is that none of that really matters today India or the youth of India are so westernized or trying to become, that for them Namaste is something that you only hear in a typical Indian show.
           As you know every coin has two sides but sometimes I wish the way India is trying to modernize it should also do so in its values and thinking not just in the way of eating or dressing. India might have westernized in its technology or development or its culture but just not where it really matter’s, it’s thinking.  You know I think thinking matters more than anything and in truth it cannot be influenced by anything but what you think really matters in your life, be parents or American TV shows.  
On 2 July Delhi High Court under the section of 377 of the Indian penal code made homosexuality i.e. sex between the same sexes an illegal act. Till how much length can our government justify this? Now where does the modernizing factor goes that India claims that it’s going through. Let me clarify what homosexuality actually is, you can call a person homosexual when he/she is attracted to the same sex, I guess gay and lesbians are more frequently used words.

                                     When I was small, I was in fact greatly attracted to women, I loved their bottoms I loved their curves. I almost dreamt about being with a woman when I grew up but then I was small, when I grew up a bit I fell in love with the cute guy in titanic, that was the time I understood that what I had experienced, was just a phase. But what homosexuality is is a totally different topic, it is not a phase or something that you can change by a period of time or religion or literature or by making it illegal. You simply can’t help liking the girl next door or the cute boy in work, it is human nature, then why take away their rights of human nature. You think they can be cured? Cured of what? Their human nature?
                                                             Who made us all?  Lets for argument sake say that God did. Then didn’t he make them, Blame god for their homosexuality! It is in Fact not their fault that they are attracted to the same sex they just can’t help it.  In our school the topic of homosexuality was fun, we used to tease our friends of being gay, at that time of age, the topic of homosexuality was not a taboo and suddenly you grow up see that it is illegal! What if one day they make being attracted to the opposite sex a crime then what would you do? Refrain? Aren’t human rights equal for everybody, then why not for them?
                                                           And frankly I just don’t feel independent enough by knowing that human rights are given to people on the outlook of their human nature of being attracted to the same or opposite sex. But in truth it is not only the problem of a prosperous nation like India but a global problem.
              I might not be same but I feel it is vague and wrong to treat homosexual people different. If I were homosexual, my parents would hate me, my religion wouldn’t have acceptance for me, my friends would never be the same, people would never be the same for me and dreams, how could ever have them in world like this, I don’t think I could ever travel, you never know when your own country might put in jail for your human nature, other country is a far dream. I, maybe could never find love or receive it by somebody else.
                                       I think I would rather die than be homosexual not because of their homosexuality or because of their nature but because of the behavior of the society.
                                   I don’t think any law can change them neither do I think a piece of paper can do that though it is a damn good place to start from, we have to change ourselves and how we see them and one day maybe our society will have acceptance for them.

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