Saturday 4 January 2014

An evening in Sri Lanka

Hey! Hi Namaste this is Tulip Roy. Have you ever been to Sri Lanka because I have, it is in fact a very beautiful exotic and raw country, it’s like an undiscovered land of treasure and oh! So raw and so unexplored, I am sure you’ll love it great and once you hit the beach you’ll realize that it’s like a dream beautiful the water so blue and green all at once, beach with silver sand and the sun so good that even if you stayed all day under it, it would almost feel like spa.
                                                One beautiful hot! Afternoon I decided to go for a swim in the beach, I wore on my bikini and with hair tied above I hit the beach, as I passed the hotel staff greeted and I went on, the restaurant which was now it’s low time was just on the beach, though with a very less staff. When I came close to the water I almost ran into the water, oh! The joy, you know never have I witnessed the sea water being hot on an afternoon just the normal wonderful temperature (excluding Juhu beach in Bombay) so was the water’s here too. So anyway the tide was cool not too high not too low, being very away from the shore i.e. too much inside the sea I enjoyed, I was almost asleep in the water, enjoyably time passed by.
                                                     I had been in the water for almost 4 to 5 hours now, the sun was going down, though I was very far I could see my parents had arrived in the restaurant, it was their usually time, some on the staff came near the shore and called me shouting that my parents were calling me, I decide then to go out of the water’s.
                                                                      I started swimming out and went inside the water a bit when I came up I realized that I hadn’t moved a inch from where I was, that’s when I understood that now the tide of the sea had raised and the waters were getting really high, I tried more and more and more, the guy who was calling me stood there thinking that I was coming out. But after trying so much, I understood that my body was really tired and was giving up, I hadn’t ate anything after the breakfast which was a beautiful Sri Lankan dish, who’s name I can’t really recall, anyway I decided to give up, you see I could have called for help to the guy but I was just too proud you see, I am really good swimmer when I was small I think I won some medals too.
                                      So the pride wouldn’t let me do it. There I started to think how death would be, even though it was stupid, I wasn’t actually stranded in the middle of the open water was I? No was just a mile away from the shore. I thought about how I would die here, too much of water or drowning or fainting in water could also kill! How much time would it take and when my body was to be found………………. Wait a minute I can’t be found dead n a bikini (I wouldn’t be found dead in a bikini!!). So I waved at the guy, he looked at me clueless, that’s when my dad arrived angry of my not coming out of the water, so I thought I should give it one more try and I thought why don’t I go really deep in and then try to swim out as then I wouldn’t have to face the tide and there I was standing on the shore after that attempt with my dad. The locals have a story or two the old creepy woman told me that there was an underground well that sucked the water in and due to that many foreigners lost their life. Now that I think about it I laugh, I still love the water and not losing my pride there, as you see I came out of the water, as my brain started to work after I threatened it with death, which makes me feel good. When I told my family about this, they had a great laugh and wished i would have died as they would get to come to Sri Lanka, every year at the day of my death! fun i guess.
                                       I still love the sea and love to swim and going deep in. I love the sea, sand and the water.
Moral of the story is aw heck I don’t know I thought I would look wise if I gave one but why don’t you find your own one!!
P.S I would really appreciate if you leave a comment!